Non-Profit Doesn’t Equal No Risk

If there were ever any honor among thieves, it clearly doesn’t apply to cyber crime.

In the week after Easter, hackers stole almost $2 million from an Ohio church, a pillar in its community. The attackers used the same exploits as in the for-profit world and left the congregation confused and reeling.

It’s not just our places of worship that are under attack. The broader non-profit community is a target and in desperate need of accomplished and engaged IT support.

Why attack Non-Profits?

As in the example above, some non-profits have large budgets for capital projects or see large amounts passing through their accounts. Cyber criminals often phish their way in and intercept money flows.

The majority of non-profits operate on tight budgets and over-worked staff, but they all have a treasure trove of data on their donors and enjoy trusted communications with those individuals and corporations. Donors are the lifeblood of any successful non-profit, and these relationships need to be protected.

Once compromised, a non-profit becomes a beachhead for “island hopping.” Exploiting the organization’s expansive email lists and trusted status, criminals expand their reach by “hopping” into the networks of donors and stakeholders. All of this happens swiftly and unbeknownst to the attacked non-profit.

Where do these attacks start?

More than 9 out of every 10 attacks on non-profits start with a simple phish. These phishing emails are directed at the same over-worked staff who are already struggling to serve their social good on a budget that just barely covers their below-market salaries.

As in the corporate world, it only takes one compromised user to expose the entire organization to an attack. Every individual needs to be protected and measured for vulnerabilities.

The call to serve

Non-profit organizations are foundational to strong communities. Each one needs excellent (and fairly priced!) IT support.

Many of INFIMA’s Partners are faithfully serving non-profits of all kinds, and we count it a privilege to provide for their critical security needs.

Ready to learn more? Connect with us here!