Fully Automated = Peace of Mind

Want to add some zen to your Security Awareness Training program?

It's no secret that managing a complete program is exhausting:
Users are hard to engage
Management needs progress reports
Regulators and Vendors require policies and updates

For the good news: Automation solves all the above and more!

Let's start with defining the marks of a successful program:
Active - regular Training courses and ongoing Phishing testing
Accurate - relevant Training curriculum and Phishing content
Complete - full team engagement in Training and comprehensive Phishing

An active program requires consistent Training engagement alongside continuous Phishing simulations.
Automated reminders take the burden of nagging users to take required courses. Additionally, every user is automatically Phished every month.

Your team needs Training that is relevant and Phishing tests that simulate the real-world.
Start with a tailored Training curriculum and add in automated real-world Phishing tests to practice with live tactics of the hacking underworld.

Your program is complete when it includes strong engagement and consistent feedback loops.
Automated reminders ensure your team completes Training courses. And re-targeted Phishing for your most at-risk users keeps everyone safe.

Interested in what Fully Automated Training looks like? Spend 30 seconds here.

Interested in what Fully Automated Phishing looks like? Spend 30 seconds here.

Want to learn how IT and Security Managers are finding Security Awareness zen?
Take a quick self-guided demo of INFIMA's Automated platform here!