Security Awareness and WFH

Work From Home (WFH - but you knew that...) is here to stay.

And that reality makes many IT Managers shudder. Just a little?

Phishing attacks have exploded during COVID - McAfee reports they're blocking malicious links at a rate of 400 per home, up 20%+ from the prior year.

Working from home brings with it new security challenges.

So how do you engage your team in Security Awareness Training while away from the office?

Does your team start looking for the exit when you announce new Training?

It's tough to get engagement, right?

So here are some key rules to follow to maintain your team's Security Awareness Training program:

Keep it Quick:
Your people are busy. And if they aren't, they'll certainly claim they are!
So make sure your courses are quick - under 7 minutes. As soon as the course goes beyond that, you've lost them.

Keep it Consistent:
You should keep a consistent cadence, no less than quarterly. There's a balance in Training frequency. You want enough courses throughout the year to ensure relevance and a strong security foundation. You want to avoid overwhelming your users and losing their attention completely.

Keep Communicating:
While your team is remote, you'll need to keep communicating the importance of cybersecurity for the organization.
It's always helpful to have an executive send out a quick note to hammer home this point. We suggest you prep the email for the executive team to make this step easier.

Keep Phishing:
Your simulated Phishing program keeps the team on their toes! No one wants to fail these tests. So keep Phishing every individual monthly with fresh and varied content. And make sure to vary the timing on all these simulated attacks! Word spreads fast otherwise...

Follow Up:
In a perfect world, every one of your users would complete Training courses on the first reminder. We know that's not reality...
Keep a steady stream of reminders for those who are lagging behind - we suggest 2x per month.

With all the above, your team will stay on track. And you'll have fewer fires to put out!

And as you're realizing that all these steps mean a LOT of work for you... exactly the workload INFIMA takes away (easy, right?!)

Are you ready to take action?
We make it easy to Train your team effectively and easily. Find out how to protect your team with INFIMA's Automated Security Awareness platform.

Start with a quick quote - hit us up here! (No sales call necessary!)