Why Is It Critical to Have "Fully Automated" Security Awareness Training?

In short, it ensures your program is complete, accurate and active. We commonly hear the same challenges about Training programs:

  • “We'll start next quarter when things slow down.
  • “I know it’s important, but I’m not sure which courses are required for our organization.”
  • “We did a phishing campaign a year ago, but it was a lot of work. Our team is already stretched.”

These very real challenges keep companies from becoming safer, which is why going Fully Automated is the solution.

And here's how we do it:

Onboarding - Onboarding experts ensure you’re fully operational in minutes.

You made an important cybersecurity investment, so we ensure your Phishing and Training program starts right away. A quick call with an INFIMA onboarding expert ensures your program is running and tailored to your organization’s needs. We’re with you in this!

User Management - Automated user management reduces stress and errors.

Your onboarding expert ensures your users are loaded and active on day 1. With our Office365 and GSuite sync, your user list is automatically updated daily. The best news - new users are automatically enrolled in your Phishing and Training program.

Training - Automated Training ensures your program stays accurate and current.

Your onboarding expert starts with a tailored annual Training curriculum to suit your organization’s needs. INFIMA automatically delivers Training courses to your users, so there’s no tracking down your incomplete users. As the team completes a course completion threshold, users automatically advance to the next course. But don’t worry, the laggards are continually reminded. No free rides!

Phishing - Automated Phishing saves you hours every month.

INFIMA’s Phishing team continuously pulls hacker’s best Phishing emails. Every user is automatically Phished at random every month, using real-world attack simulations. Phishing simulations use different templates at different times for each user. The most vulnerable users are automatically re-targeted and highlighted in reports.

Reporting - Automated monthly reports provide simple oversight.

You'll receive monthly reports directly to your inbox with your Automated Security Awareness Training program . Executive summaries offer quick insights for management about your program and participation. And any time you need to dig deeper, INFIMA's dashboard provides more granular reports in real-time.

Interested in learning how Fully Automated Security Awareness Training will work for your team?