Where do you get your Phishing templates?

With INFIMA, your users are tested with with today's most successful hacker campaigns. We take cyber criminals' best tools and re-purpose them for good.

Rather than trying to forecast how a cyber criminal might attack you, we focus on the ways hackers are attacking companies today and tomorrow.

What does this mean?
Your team's Phishing tests mimic real-world cyber attacks. The campaigns are continuously varied in timing and content to follow cyber criminal patterns.

It may not be a shock to you that criminals don't send the same email to every target at the same time. They know it would take just one person to shout a warning to the rest of the team, and that attack is a failure.

With INFIMA's fully automated real-world Phishing platform, you'll safely test and train your team for the real thing.

Ready to learn more? Click here to speak with us!