3 Clicks to Freedom

Security Awareness Training can be a pain to manage.

We get it.

“It used to take us two or three hours to set up one client. We migrated all of our clients to INFIMA in that time.”
- Rob Walters @ Executive Image Solutions

That's exactly why we developed a fully automated platform, built for Managed Services Providers.

Ok, so let's jump into what 3 Clicks to Freedom means for our MSP Partners:


First, we sync your client's users.

Whether you've got 10 clients or 500 clients, every single one of them deserves your excellent services. One of the key issues is ensuring that every user across every client is actively engaged in your Security Awareness Training program.

Set up a customer, sync it to their 365 so it finds all their users, and then that's it.  It just goes off and does its thing.”
- Roger Curtis @ Masser Tech

This means every individual receives consistent Simulated Phishing Attacks alongside timely and relevant Cybersecurity Training Courses.

With INFIMA's Office 365 and Google Workspace syncs, your clients users are automatically enrolled in their comprehensive program. Like magic, your client is now set up in your multi-tenant dashboard.

Don't worry, it doesn't get any more challenging than this!


The next step in your onboard is a simple authentication with our Office 365 or Google Workspace integration. Here, we take care of deliverability.

“I was able to set up a client within five minutes of my first introduction to the platform."
- George Childers @ Best Servers

Whitelisting can be the hardest part of this whole process. Your email filters are trying to do their job, too! They don't know that your Simulated Phishing attacks are supposed to get delivered.

So we ensure those Simulated Phishes and Training Course Invites get delivered to every one of your clients' users.


Now, let's get your clients rolling!

Here, INFIMA automatically populates their Training Curriculum and schedules Phishing Simulations.

"INFIMA's just set it, forget it."
- Dan Fitzpatrick @ Christo IT

Note that I didn't say - now you, friendly Partner, have to do all the work... we do all Training Course scheduling, tracking and sending, in addition to designing, scheduling and sending Phishing emails.

Reduce your risks from SLAs and Cyber Insurers.

And there it is.

3 Clicks, and you're freed from all those tasks of managing a comprehensive Security Awareness Training program!

If you're an MSP and want to learn more about our Partner Program, go check out how we work with Partners here. If you like what you see, book a time to chat!

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Disclaimer: our attorneys make sure we remind you that none of the above is legal advice, and all services are governed by our Terms of Service and End User License Agreement. Also, we love you!