National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Judge if you wish, but the INFIMA team is celebrating. All. Month. Long.

It's 2020, and it's cool to be a nerd!

Hackers and Ransomware are ravaging schools, businesses, hospitals, non-profits, governments and any other organization I missed. I mean, they even hit a tug boat company!

For all those who've been holding your breath in anticipation of this year's theme, here it is:

Do your part. Be cyber smart.

Weekly focus areas through the month include:
Week 1: "If You Connect It, Protect It" - That's what she... oh nevermind! This proves someone in government has a sense of humor!
Week 2: "Securing Devices at Home and Work" - Yes! Work From Home is key here.
Week 3: "Securing Internet-Connected Devices in Healthcare" - Necessary! From Russia snooping on COVID vaccine research to cyber hostage situations.
Week 4: "The Future of Connected Devices" - Absolutely! We'll be following this journey too!

So why is the INFIMA team celebrating this Cybersecurity Awareness Month?

We care about people. Cybercriminals exploit people.

Virtually every single successful attack that you read about here or elsewhere is the result of Phishing and Social Engineering. Hackers know how to con people. With the crazy money flowing to cybercrime groups, they have hired the best hacker minds.

So this month, we will offer free tools to help organizations identify and address their weakest links.

Once identified, we can move to train and remediate to stop the cyber attacks.

These cyber attacks can be stopped. We are here to make sure that happens!

The first step is training your team to avoid the criminals' Phishing emails, the ones they send out every single day.

Are you ready to take action?
We make it easy to protect your team from attacks just like this one. Find out how to protect your team with INFIMA's Automated Security Awareness platform.

To try out our free HackSim tool, give us a shout here! (mention: HackSim)

To get a quote, set up a call with our (non-pushy) sales team here!