Texas Courts Shut, Rulings Announced On Twitter

Texas appellate and high courts were shut down after a ransomware attack last week. The court's website and case management were hit in the attack.

"The hack left Texas' top civil and criminal courts without a working case management system or internet in their offices and led staff to put out rulings over Twitter." -Blake Hawthorne, administrator of the Supreme Court of Texas

Rulings were announced over Twitter?!

The hack follows a ransomware attack of unprecedented size that hit more than 20 local governments in Texas last summer.

In response to these attacks (like this one), Texas passed HB 3834 in June of last year to enhance government network security. (See more here).

HB 3834 mandates Security Awareness Training for all Texas government employees and contractors. The deadline for this training is June 14 (details here).

Why do government attacks keep happening?
In short, cyber criminals focus on the softest targets. This is no fault of the government employees. They're typically working with outdated machines and software.

Ready to protect your government employees?
Start with a quick sales call to learn how INFIMA's Automated Security Awareness platform easily instructs and tests your team.

To learn more, set up a call with our (non-pushy) sales team here!

Original article here.