Fully automated with the right amount of personalization

Our comprehensive platform empowers MSPs to provide tailored security awareness training to their clients, streamlining the process without requiring extra manpower or resources.

App screenshot

Everything you need

Security Awareness Training simplified

We've taken the complexity out of managing Security Awareness Training.

Continuous user sync
We consistently sync your users from your directory to ensure you always have the most up to date information.
Guaranteed email delivery
We deliver training invites and phishing simulations directly to your user's inbox, removing the need to whitelist.
Automated training assignments
Users are assigned to training courses and sent notifications when training is required.
Randomized phishing simulations
Users are randomly sent phishing simulations to test their awareness and security posture.
Phish reporting add-in
Allow users to report simulated and real phishing attempts directly to your security team.
Custom policy creation
All clients are provided with a customized SAT policy tailored to their specific training requirements.
Automated reporting
Client stakeholders are provided monthly reports on training completion and phishing simulation results.
Simplified invoicing
We provide per tenant invoicing break outs and integrate with popular billing platforms.

Personalized for your MSP

Streamlined, yet customizable to your brand

Our solution strikes the perfect balance between automation and flexibility, allowing you to tailor your Security Awareness Training program to reflect your unique brand and requirements.

Personalized email delivery
You control the sending name and address of emails sent to your clients.
Logo branding
Your logo and brand are prominently displayed on all email communications, web pages, and reports.
Customizable reporting
You choose which reports you want your clients to receive, and we will generate and send them for you.
Program customization
Choose which training modules you want to include in your program, and set the frequency of phishing simulations.
Reporting API
Access your reporting data via our API, allowing you to integrate with your existing tools and workflows.
Per-tenant dashboards
Each tenant has their own dashboard, allowing them to track and monitor training and phishing results.

Our track record

Trusted by MSPs worldwide

We don't take the trust that partners place in us lightly. We've been working with MSPs for years and have seen first hand the impact that our platform has on their clients and their own business.

False clicks prevented ytd
Successful syncs per month
Uptime guarantee
Learning events

See a real time count of false clicks we prevented this year

Deliver superior Security Awareness Training.
Become a partner today.

Experience the full potential of our platform and have all your questions answered by scheduling a personalized demo with our expert team.