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Schools Face Onslaught of Cyber Attacks

Schools continue getting hit. Hackers are stealing sensitive student and faculty data.

Mid-Michigan College joins a growing list of schools compromised in recent months. Hackers continue targeting schools to gather sensitive student and faculty information.

"I regret to say that the list of individuals whose data might have been seen is large, over 16,000 individuals."

Over 1,200 schools have been hit by Ransomware in the last year alone (more here). This goes for schools large and small. In fact, Michigan State University was also hacked recently (more here).

"The data breach impacts many members of the College community, including faculty, staff, students, former students and others."

Colleges and universities are facing tighter budgets as cyber risks increase (like here).

And it's not just colleges under attack. In fact, many elementary, middle and high schools have been compromised. Recent attacks include those in Texas, Montana and New Mexico.

Regardless of size, it's time to protect your faculty and students from these attacks.

As schools implement additional security measures, the quickest (and lowest cost!) solution is Fully Automated Security Awareness Training.

To get a quote, set up a call with our (non-pushy) team here.

Joel Cahill

Cybersecurity enthusiast. Entrepreneur.