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Hackers Take California Med School For $1.1M

Hackers Take California Med School For $1.1M

The Ransomware attack stopped critical medical research on COVID-19.

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Pay a $1.7 Million Ransom or Else...

Pay a $1.7 Million Ransom or Else...

Hackers are getting smarter. To improve their chances of getting paid, hacker groups have added data exfiltration to their Ransomware. At best, this dramatically raises recovery costs, and at worst, causes irreparable damage to victims. Here's the latest story: After the infamous Maze Ransomware crew compromised New Jersey-based MDLab, they

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Montana Regional Hospital in $650 Million Lawsuit

Montana Regional Hospital in $650 Million Lawsuit

In May, Kalispell Regional Hospital experienced a data breach, compromising as many as 130,000 patients' personal data. "Hackers used fraudulent emails to bait employees into providing login credentials."Hackers frequently target healthcare facilities with Phishing attacks to gain access to their systems. Once in, they can initiate ransomware and

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Eye Care Center's Breach Leaves Patients Targeted

Eye Care Center's Breach Leaves Patients Targeted

After criminals breached a critical system, Utah Valley Eye Center's patients started receiving spoofed emails seeking their personal PayPal credentials. "The hacker would have had access to patient names, addresses, phone numbers, and dates of birth. The Eye Center has notified patients of the breach, but they've been unable to

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Ransomware Goes Mainstream (CBS)

Ransomware Goes Mainstream (CBS)

Big Media is jumping on the cyber crime storyline. And for good reason! Ransomware attacks are taking a growing toll on government agencies, hospitals and many other organizations.The story details some of this year's biggest incident's, including public school closures and delayed surgeries at compromised hospitals. In a case

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Hacking Goes Mainstream (CNN)

Hacking Goes Mainstream (CNN)

The volume and severity of cyber attacks on American businesses has caught the attention of Big Media. CNN's report explains the steps hackers take, and each attack "starts innocently enough, with an email. But when someone clicks the link inside, hackers quickly take over." "The most common way for attackers

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Smaller Medical Providers Get Burned by Cyber Attacks

Smaller Medical Providers Get Burned by Cyber Attacks

Wyoming's Campbell County Health suffered a debilitating attack last month. Cyberattacks like this are pummeling doctors, dentists and community hospitals around the country, causing some to turn away patients and others to close their doors permanently.With the hospital unable to provide critical services, patients were transferred to facilities as

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Alabama Dental Offices Closed for Two Weeks After Cyber Attack

Alabama Dental Offices Closed for Two Weeks After Cyber Attack

A July cyber attack on Sarrell Dental in Alabama forced a two-week closure of its 17 clinics. Sarrell, a non-profit healthcare provider for children, operates the largest dental services network in the state. The attackers initially seemed to seek only ransom demands, but forensic results were inconclusive on any PHI

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill