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Cyber Security Hits the Bottom-Line

Cyber Security Hits the Bottom-Line

Last week, we received a clear signal that Wall Street has taken notice of corporate cyber security risks. Moody’s credit rating agency forced us to dig up the unpleasant memories of Equifax’s blockbuster 2017 breach. In Moody’s report downgrading Equifax’s own credit rating, investors were surprised

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
The security gap: knowledge or behavior?

The security gap: knowledge or behavior?

There’s something missing in cyber security today. Security tends to be reactionary - an attacker first exposes a vulnerability; the security community subsequently develops a protective measure. Firewalls are a prime example of this process. Ten years ago, a company’s systems could be compromised simply by scanning exposed

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Mueller Report: Russia Compromised Florida County

Mueller Report: Russia Compromised Florida County

In the midst of the Mueller report frenzy, an important story was largely missed. Florida is near and dear to us as an Orlando-based company, but this is a problem for America. The report noted that Russia’s GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Army)

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
Do you know who’s putting your Organization at Risk?

Do you know who’s putting your Organization at Risk?

With 90%+ of compromises originating from criminal Phishing campaigns, you need to know who is opening the door for attackers. Everyone knows the Internet can be a dangerous place. But attacks still happen every day of the year. Research shows that knowledge and intellect have no correlation with an employee

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
62 Percent

62 Percent

We’ve got a problem. Attackers are relentlessly focused on our SMB community - the lifeblood of this economy. To be sure, 62% of cyber attacks are against SMBs (data from Chubb). With a shocking data point like that, let’s dig in a bit more on the reasoning and

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill
There’s increased scrutiny on cyber security for manufacturers. Why?

There’s increased scrutiny on cyber security for manufacturers. Why?

In late 2018, major media reports emerged with news that China had inserted a tiny chip into the semiconductor supply chain of 30 US companies, including Apple and Amazon. The brilliance of this attack reveals a critical motivation for hackers targeting manufacturers - by infecting the supply chain of a

Joel Cahill
Joel Cahill